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Since 1987, he lives and works in Greece, while he designs schemes that stimulate our senses, inviting our delightful trip through space. Founder and owner of a construction company today, Vassilis Adamidis studied architecture in Paris, France. He developed extensive knowledge and gained a lot of experience on the field, attempts to introduce us to the world of architecture, by guiding the observer’s critical mind to process an image from an alternative point of view. .

Serving deservedly the art of building and taking into consideration the proper of our lives, is perhaps one of the few architects who his creations exude an emotion. “ Creations negotiate a relationship between the physical phenomena in space, light, matter, air, moving body. Any construction, however, with the way they are made, exudes an emotion. So the constructed area contributes to the formation of a culture “says himself..

We create with our imagination

But there is a “recipe for success” that an architect can apply by creating a great place for people to host: According to him there is no special secret since “ideal home is one that accommodates the best way to” calm “and “tense” moments of the owners “noting that” the architect is not required to express oneself through one scheme. He is asked to design for others, to adopt their desires, to present and to make, and in the end having the aesthetic pleasure and responsibility.

Making a rough assessment of these dozens “return journey” in his career, focuses on an important detail expressing his bitterness. “In Greece, unfortunately, the study was not seen as something essential and necessary. Most have identified the architectural design with the known process and plans required for issuing the “coveted” planning permission.

And putting things in perspective summarizes that “the study is intellectual and scholarly involvement of the architect and most often is the product of interdisciplinary cooperation of many disciplines. By no means can be identified with “commodity” subject to competitive market forces, it refers to “offer economical” but qualitative study will ensure correct and trouble free construction of the building.

Finally, we ask to know which of his works he has designed to date stands out in his career. The answer disarming, helping to complete the picture of a professional Vassilis Adamidis replied : “I always love the latest project, because I’m more mature when I create. And this is why I believe that every project is a step up from the previous post, for personal fulfillment that will never touch.


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